The original musical, “ALIZA”, conceived by and starring Los Angeles – based actress Ali Mandelbaum in a piece about her alter ego and her ancestors, on a journey with Judaism. Performances of “Aliza” are scheduled for Thursday through Saturday, Sept. 2, 3 and 4, at 8 p.m., and Sunday, Sept. 5, at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10 general admission; senior citizens and students $5. They can be purchased at the door (1288 Massachusetts Ave, North Adams, MA 01247), at 413-441-6120 or at
This process-oriented production of “ALIZA” will be directed by Minerva Stage Artistic Director Kathleen O’Mara, musically directed by New York-based Charles Sanchez. For questions or concerns, please email Eric K. Auld at or call Kathleen O’Mara at 413-441-6120.